Your business success will depend on how well you plan and manage your finances. If you will be seeking financial help, either from a start-up loan or from a government grant, it is imperative that you have a well-developed business plan. Writing your business plan Know what elements are considered essential in any business plan and the key points that should be included in each section of your plan. Grants and financing Find out how to access funding for your business.
Entrepreneurs often report that getting financing is the most challenging aspect of starting or growing a business. If you are looking for money for your business, you should start by learning about the different types of financing that are available. You can then decide which one best suits your needs.
- Government grants and financing
Find out about government grants, loans, and other financing available for your business. - Private sector financing
Your business may be eligible for different types of private sector financing, including debt and equity. - Financing from non-government organizations
There may be not-for-profit or community-based organizations that can offer you financing or direct you towards financing. - Crowdfunding
Could crowdfunding help you raise funds for your business? - Accessing equity financing
Learn how to plan for and negotiate a deal with potential investors in order to obtain equity financing for your business. - Personal assets
See how you can use personal assets to help finance your business. - Business planning
Find out how to write a business plan and access templates, sample business plans, market research information and statistics. - Social enterprises and non-profits
Are you ready to turn your social mission into a social enterprise? Find resources to help you start, manage and grow you