Easy TV Show 5 Steps Training

5 Steps to an Easy TV SHOW that gets you seen Everywhere!

In this 20 minute Training, I discuss the 5 steps to make an Easy TV SHOW Blueprint that you can use to leverage, monetize and re-purpose all over the internet!

PLAN - Create a TV SHOW format that you can leverage, monetize and re-purpose!

PRODUCE - the simple process to produce a good quality TV SHOW people will want to watch!

PUBLISH - steps to publish TV SHOW strategically

PROMOTE - How to promote a TV SHOW when it is live!

Re-Purpose- How strategic easy TV SHOW BLUEPRINT makes it easy for you to be seen everywhere!

Transcription of Training for those who like to read!

Welcome, welcome. This is Jane Gardner and welcome. Today, we're going to be doing more on the TV show Blueprint. We're going to go over the five steps briefly anyway. So let's get started. Let's see how we are. So it's Easy TV show Blueprint. And as you know, there is a infographic that you can download which details all the items in the five steps. And we're going to go over them today. So there when you're thinking of doing an easy TV show Blueprint, we are going to look at planning, producing a TV show, publishing a TV show, promoting a TV show and repurposing your TV show.

So let's get started. So you're thinking of maybe doing a TV show? Well, how are you going to do that? Well, you can be strategic when you're designing your TV show format and you can have one TV show be distributed and available everywhere. So you have to plan your TV show format before you start. So if you're going to have an intro and interview and add a call to action and then an outro for a show, or you're going to have a training intro and call to action outro, or if you're going to have an intro panel discussion and add a host and editorial, a summary and then a call to action and outro. Or if you're going to have an intro interview at training call to action outro, you have to plan that all ahead of time.

So now you have to be strategic with your TV show format and you can have it distributed and available always on your website, your YouTube, your Medium magazine, snippets on the Facebook, LinkedIn, Periscope, Instagram, Pinterest, Roku, Amazon, Fire, Apple TV and you can even do a podcast and a video podcast on all your podcasts networks.

So how? Well, you have to plan your TV show format and in order to figure this out, you have to have a goal as to what you want to do to begin with. You have to be strategic about what is the goal for your TV show and what are the topics going to be for your TV show and what are the guests you want to invite. So who's the audience you want for your show? Will the topic attract new audience and new fans? Do you want your interview guests to invite you to be interviewed on their show? Do you want to invite guests who are influencers, who you want to connect to? Or do you want just guests who have a large audience who will share it to their large audience so that you can distribute and get known elsewhere? Will your TV show attract others to invite you on their media platform, whether it's a TV show or a podcast? These are all some of the questions to ask before you even design your TV show format.

So you have to be strategic about monetizing your TV show. Before you plan the format for the TV show, you'll have to ask yourself, will you sell guest spots to others to be on your TV show? Will you have ads for others products or services on your TV show? Will you have ads for your products or services in your TV show? Will you do affiliate marketing for your products and services from guests on your TV show? There are limitations to third party selling on streaming TV, but there are ways to monetize your TV channel beyond what I'm mentioning here. So before you plan your TV show format, you have to ask yourselves all these questions.

Now you have to ask yourself whether you're going to leverage it to connect with others. Are you going to monetize the TV show? Will the TV show increase leads and fans for your business? And how will you get them to the place that you want them to be? How will you leverage it to have credibility for your brand and be able to repurpose for all your marketing on different platforms?

So from a strategically planned TV show blueprint, you can leverage that one TV show ,as is, or with minor editing onto your website, your interviewee's website, your YouTube Channel, your podcast or media magazine, on Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV with social media snippets for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest. You can be everywhere with one TV show episode.

So let's have a look at how I did that.

So this is Medium. If you don't know Medium, it's medium.com. It's a place where you can write and publish your ideas as well. They provide you with a way to format publication that others can view and follow. And so this is the last show that I've done with a guest and it's called Spotlight with Adrian Starks. Basically it comes with a graphic and it comes with the show itself. So you can embed videos onto it and then you can add the text, all the text, from the show as well. Of course, you can put links. So if you haven't checked out medium.com, it's worth going and getting an account anyway, if you like to write and publish your work, because I believe I have 300 followers right now and I haven't done much to get those.

Then, of course, you want to publish it on to your Web site. So you have your video and all the transcript from the conversation on your website. And of course, you could have calls to actions there as well.

You can put it on your podcast. So this is the podcast on my website, but it's linking from my podcast. So this is the link to the embed from Libsyn connection. It is also on iTunes. That's one place I forgot to get ready for us. But that's OK. You know that once you get it on iTunes, it's everywhere.Y

You can create a Facebook page on the for the business show. Here he is down here and I broadcast that live to the Facebook page. Then I shared it to my personal page where it showed up, and it even does the captions for you. So this is another way to reach more people.

Of course, it also broadcast it to YouTube. So I've just disabled the sound for now because he'd be talking and we you couldn't hear me, so on YouTube as well. So you can just this is just for these shows. I just did them flat. Did the interview put a call to action and that was it, because I didn't want to edit them. So they're a bit different in that they're not as powerful that way.

So from a strategic plan TV show blueprint, you can leverage that one TV show. Put it everywhere. So now you can see that it's easy to have an easy TV show if you plan first for the format that makes it easy to produce it, publish it, promote it and repurpose it so that you're seen everywhere.

So we're going to go on to publish, sorry, produce. And obviously this is a don't want to spend hours on producing your TV show, but now you have a plan. You know what TV show format you're going to use to produce as your show. You're going to have a format, whether it's, say hello and then interview whomever you're interviewing live and then have a promotion and then outro. It just depends on what format you have.

So anyway, this is the equipment you need. As mentioned on the infographic, you need a good USP, a microphone, a webcam, desktop computer, a good Ethernet connection and a photo studio kit with a green screen. And of course, you need my favorite software, Xsplit broadcasting software from Xsplit.com in order to create the kind of show that I'm talking about.

Because once you decide on your show format, you know it and you have your outline of the show, you've invited your guest interviewee for a specific date. You set up your scenes in your Xsplit broadcaster software. You've created any graphics and videos you want to broadcast, intros and outros call to actions, images and setup your scenes in Xsplit.

You're ready.

You've decided what two ways you're going to record your interview with the guests. So if one recording doesn't work, the other will. You set up the zoom calendar link. So when the time comes, the guests can come in five, fifteen minutes before time to check on sound and video and then you can keep recording. You've set up the question or if you add the information from the guest so you all all set. You wait for the guests to arrive and then when you are both ready and you press record and you click on your introductory video and then you go live and do your interview, because Xsplit will be recording everything as well you'll have a Zoom recording if you're using Zoom. With all the preparation, you can record the TV show and you can press each scene as you need it. Go from intro to the interview, go to a promotion, then go to a call to action and then an outro and you've got a show with all this preparation. You record it, but you can also go live on Facebook or YouTube if you want just to have fun and you've produced a TV show.

Well, once you've produced it, of course you have to publish it. So what you do then is you edit the video and audio of the TV show for good quality sound while they are being edited, copy into snippets and sections for social media. Optimize the final TV show. Create a thumbnail description for Roku and Amazon fire. Remove a copy of the audio and add intro and outro to make your podcast recording. Upload the video and thumbnail description to streaming TV and find out what day the Show will be live. You create a press release using some of the video snippets from your interview and send it out and give to interviewee for their promotion and any sponsors or advertisers for their use to promote. And you get a transcription of text of the show from the audio to be used later, either as the transcription beneath your podcast or even as an ebook.

So now we're on to promoting, as you can tell once live on Roku, you can send out a press release, promote on relevant forums, advertise outside of your website, on other websites, send out snippets for social media, send a press release to guests to promote to their audience, allow guests to copy of TV show to have on their Web site and embed it, create a highlight's video to share on social media and everywhere and before the show is live. However, coming soon video as well, if you wish, with topics that you could share to get people excited about show coming on the day to actually see the show.

Well, once you've promoted it and it's live, now's the time to repurpose, so the sections of the TV show Episode into other different topic niches. Depending how you design your TV show format, it should be easy to transition between each section so that you can edit it out and add snippets to your social media. You can stream on relevant Facebook page. You can stream as a Premiere on your YouTube channel and send out messages that it's Premiering. You can add to medium.com publication. You own the show video as well as the text. You can make an e-book out of the text from the TV shows. You can add to your website and share from your website out to social media. And you can create a podcast from the audio and have it go to iTunes and other destination podcasting platforms.

So you should be seeing being seen everywhere with planning in easy TV show blueprint. You can create each time a new TV show episode knowing what the goal is for the TV show, how you will produce it easily, how you will monetize it, how you will leverage it from our audience, more connections, more visibility, and how you will repurpose the TV show easily. You will have a step by step process that will take less time and money than if you have no blueprint, that's for sure.

Also, you will soon be seen everywhere on all the platforms and Google. That when you're doing video, audio and text, if you can do all the media that Google really likes that and you will outshine your competitors. So, Woof, that's basically the easy TV show blueprint. And of course, we can go into more detail. And how do you repurpose and re stream and and the easy ways to get everything done. But really, it is once you design a nice, easy TV show blueprint with a format that you understand with all the paperwork that you need, it's very easy to do a TV show.

As I show you in the other training that's 20 minutes long, I show you behind the scenes on X split briefly and you can see that it's quite easy to set up. So I hope that was useful and we'll see you in the next training.


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