Develop Your Success as a Leader and a Coach
Living on Purpose-Why -being self aware on your Style leads to success with others -relationship, communication
Being Intentional vs. Accidental
Challenging the Myths
Positive Review
Your three Big 10s
Your Positive Preview
Assessing for Success
Your Life Vision Statements
Each Topic needs you to understand concepts ; do the assessment and then understand what the assessment means and how it relates to the concepts with an Action Plan for you for each Topic
Your Personal Style
Why you should understand Personal Style
What is Personal Style
What is the Personality Development Factors Model
Doing the Personal Style Indicator Assessment
Where to do the PSI on CRG website
The Four Dimensions of Personal Style
Personal Style Dimensions and Patterns
The Personal Style Model
Credibility Techniques – Translating
Credibility Techniques – Suspending
Credibility Techniques – Styleshifting
How to Know their Personal Style Action Plan
Your Professional Development Plan
The origins of Personal Style with Ken Keis
Your Values
What are your top 7 values
Do the Values Preference Indicator
What did the VPI find were the important values
How you incorporate it in your life
The Power of Values
Self Worth
Self Concept
Self Esteem
Self Worth Inventory Assessment
Increasing your Self Worth
Stress Indicator and Health Planner
Wellness Assessment
Time Stress Assessment
Occupational Assessment
Interpretation of Scores and Developing your Health Plan
Your Sales Style
Customer Focused Sellilng
Identify your preferred Selling Style
Do you Sales Style Assessment
Understanding your Selling Style
Determine your Customer Buying Style
How to Interact with your Customer
Increase your Credibility with Suspending and Style Shifting
Improving Sales Effectiveness
Dealing with Buyer’s Objections and Concerns
Empathy Communication Model
Building a Personal Action plan
Know your Sales Style and their Buying Style Action Plan
Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator
What is the purpose of your business
Entrepreneurial Style Assessment
28 Success Factors that are Foundations for Enterpreneurial Success
Understanding the Foundations of the Entrepreneurship
Acknowledging Limitations
Using Strengths wisely
Identifying your Potential
How to Know their Entrepreneurial Style from their Personal Style Action Plan
Your Learning Style and Your Instructor Style
Your Learning Style Assessment
The Four Learning Modes
Thinking and Learning Styles
Instructional Style Indicator Assessment
How to know their Student Style and how to create Action Plan
Leadership Skills Inventory-Self and Others
Why you should care about Leadership Skills and interpersonal Coaching skills
What are top two reasons why leaders fail
Top 3 reasons Leaders succeed
Leadership skills inventory assessment
Team leading LSI others
Develop your Leadership Action Plan
Now you should have in place:
Techniques and Action Plans to understand Yourself and Your Clients
Develop your Strengths and be aware of your challenges and how you can now live your life with intention and purpose!
Now you should have in place:
Techniques and Action Plans to understand Yourself and Your Clients
Develop your Strengths and be aware of your challenges and how you can now live your life with intention and purpose!