Mindset Monday

Embrace Change on Mindset Monday on Solopreneur Success Strategies

[ytp_video source=”XFy8012Mt6I”] On today’s show, I talk about some strategies to embrace the change that is happening as you work as an entrepreneur. There is stress and challenges and uncertainty and you have to be willing to accept that your business is always changing. My offer today is “Develop a Success Mindset” at http://jgtips.com/smindset Welcome,

Embrace Change on Mindset Monday on Solopreneur Success Strategies Read More »

Fear of Discomfort on Mindset Monday for Solopreneur Success Strategies

On http://jgtips.com/082, Solopreneur Success Strategies on Mindset Monday, I speak on the fear of discomfort causing inaction or procrastination in the Mindset of the Entrepreneur. The fear of the unknown can cause physical discomfort that can cause inaction to occur. I have an offer at http://jgtips.com/mindsettrain for Mindset Entrepreneur Life weekly with audio on mindset

Fear of Discomfort on Mindset Monday for Solopreneur Success Strategies Read More »

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