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This could be called the “Year of Live Video” as last year, with the burst onto the scene of Meerkat, SnapChat and Periscope with live video from anywhere in the world then the larger social media platforms geeting into it this year, Facebook Live Video and now Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin getting in on the live video market.
Engagement and the intimacy and immediate satisfaction of live video has increased the demand for creating videos by personalities and now businesses are trying to get into video.
Videos can help you build trust with your audience by introducing them to the people behind your brand and giving them a glimpse of the value behind the gate. Done right, it can be an important and valuable lead generation tool, building trust with your audience and expanding your marketing strategy via Getting Started with Video for Lead Generation
Now you may be a business that sells to other businesses and you are thinking you don’t need to do video. You are wrong! People are expecting your videos about your business to be engaging just like the ones they see on Facebook. Don’t worry, they are also looking for videos that are educational and informative about a businesses product or service. Just look at the video at top of the post done by Zendesk about their services above. Fun and engaging!
B2B marketers to remember that the people they’re targeting are also consumers when they get off work, and their exposure to high-quality, emotional B2C video content on the web is likely to influence their expectations for B2B video content. via Will native video on LinkedIn be a boon to B2B marketers?
The video thumbnail is by far the most important component to drive a visitor to play or not play your video. The reality is, we do judge books by their cover, which is why you need to dress your video for the occasion by giving it a compelling, play-worthy thumbnail image.
via Video Marketing Ideas: 9 Ways to Promote Video Content
If this content gets you excited about using video for your business to market, get the “No Nonsense Guide to Video Marketing” and get started!
Table of Contents
What is Video Marketing 4
What are the Benefits of Video Marketing 5
7 Ways to Make Money with Video Marketing 7
Give me the Basic Tools to Get Started 8
The Best Strategies For Attention Getting Videos 15
It’s All about the Subscribers 16
The Next Step: Using YouTube, Periscope, and Blab 18